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“I pledge allegiance to the …Republican Party.”

“I pledge allegiance to the …Democratic Party.”

“I pledge allegiance to …Wall Street.”

“I pledge allegiance to …War.”Cartoon

“I pledge allegiance to …Trafficking By Drug Companies.”

“I pledge allegiance to …Media Propaganda.”

“I pledge allegiance to …Political Lobbyists.”

“I pledge allegiance to …Monsanto.”

“I pledge allegiance to …Walmart.”

“I pledge allegiance to …the IRS.”

“I pledge allegiance to … the United States of America.”

Okay, so we finally got it right.

Or did we?

Actually, the upper part of the above list could be extended, but you get the idea.

The United States has a problem. It keeps electing people who get us into horrible messes, and unfortunately much of this is intentional.

Bottom line, the top two political parties are nothing but trash. You’d think that anyone worth his salt would not have to bow down to a party to get elected, to give up his soul. Instead we get saddled with wimps whose allegiance might be to the United States, somewhere way down the line — but his party always comes first, as does catering to the dictates of big corporations.

It is because of the elitist values overtaking America that family values are waning. For instance, can you name one current TV show that espouses family values? How many shows do you watch that have no drug company commercials?

Ever know a President that didn’t lie?

Or a Senator?

Or a Congressman?

Americans have grown to not only accept political/corporate corruption, but to expect it. Now, we are on the verge of a new phase — not just expecting it, but embracing it, which is why the two idiot parties are likely to flourish. You had the family dynasties of the Bushes and Clintons, anointed to look after you, to make decisions for you, and to protect you with their own obscene values.

These greed-mongers infiltrated as the heads of your households. They were ripe with convolutions instead of solutions.

Then came the “liar in chief” who with great admiration “loves” Putin, the Impaler of Democracy. One question is, “Will Putin allow the United States to have an election in 2020 or will he simply appoint Trump as our monarch?” After all, the liar in chief has been doing Putin’s bidding by cracking the financial astuteness of America with Chinese tariffs, which are nothing more than a new tax on consumers, actually designed to take away the tax breaks earlier flaunted for the middle class. You are given a nickel for the gumball machine only to learn that the price has gone up to a dime.

Maybe there are members of the two main parties who are worthy, but the pickings are slim. We are yet to see any elected candidates resign from their party upon election and then stand on their own two feet. They simply do not have the courage to do what’s right.

The Russians last election cycle found that their influence here went beyond bounds. Their next step is to tamper with the outcome at the ballot boxes.

Proof will be in the sanctity of the polls. Unfortunately, it would likely take years to accurately assess.

— W. Leon Smith